Thursday, December 31, 2009

Super long..for the year 2009

yes..tak tipu punyaaaa..

ok lets see..where should i begin?haih words don't pour out easily these days for me..its a struggle..but its ok..berusahalah!!

2009 is a year full of well as sadness..

Lets begin with the happy yappy moments shall we??

double celebration for me..the wedding reception hubby's side was on the same day as my birthday!(4th january btw ehem)wheeeeee..sengih gile besar dpt surprise birthday card yang super huge and cake at the reception hihi..thanks to my FIL!

After 3 months of 'honeymooning'..we were blessed with a very exciting and out of this world news..the joy it brought to our lives was us and both our families..refer here

however..two weeks after, masa the next check up at An-nur Bangi, what should be the sweetest moments we were waiting for, had turned into a devastating was us and even to the doc..
the breaking news crushed my didn't develop as it should be at heartbeat was present at the more smiles for me..just tears..hubby was there to comfort..but to no avail..

i was advised to perform the D&C as soon as possible before the excrutiating pain came in..
but deep down i was still hopeful then..maybe it was a slow development for the baby, maybe if i waited a little longer it would show..macam2 pikir..positive belaka..i prayed hard for a miracle to happen..

and so i went for a second opinion..a week after..the result was still the same..the sac was shrinking and the lil one wasn't growing..and at that moment..i surprised myself..i stayed calm..and i knew i dah redha time wasn't meant for us..not just the doc said, it was a blessing in disguise..recap here

mummy will always love you sweetpea..

Performed the D&c procedure at 9th week..before masuk ward kat an-nur, dah ada tanda-tanda..tak sakit lagi but the blood dah keluar..barang-barang dah pack siap2 before gi terus je masuk and waited sampai petang baru dpt buat D&C tu..
and to make it worse, halfway through the procedure i TERJAGA!Nampak la nurse kat hujung kaki tengah rodok2 kat dalam tu..sakit?
YA ALLAH!Tuhan saja yang tahu macam mana rasa dia..sakit gila amat!!Macam isi kena toreh dengan pisau tajam..mcm toreh pokok getah tu tau..
Luckily it was only for a few seconds!and i dozed back off sampai habis and masuk bilik balik..but it was something that i still couldn't forget till now..still boleh rase wooo the sakit everytime teringat..fuuhhh~

lepas dah sedar tu..terus balik rumah..malam jugak la..and berpantang for 2 weeks kat umah my parents..private punya MC..kalau gomen 1 week je..huhu

My SIL got hitched!I jadi penyambut tetamu youuu..k long le katakan..wahahaha lawaknyee laa..takde tokoh langsung!i hope i did well though..hihi and the great news..she's expecting..5 months ++..congrats dear!potong queue laa..haha

oh ye..paling tak boleh lupa..masa kenduri side lelaki di Sg. MIL requested Mr Hubby and i NYANYI karaoke ok!di khalayak tetamu yang datang untuk menjamu selera..and aku dengan perut penuhnye menyanyi lagu Sayang Menyayang (Mr Hubby la pilih nie..hampehh tinggi gile)..yang keluar bukan suara lunak merdu..tapi suara ayam kena sembelih!!pecahhhh..wahahaha memalukan!!!masuk video lak tu..warghh!!

The news we were patiently waiting for..well i cheated..i tested before the monthly period was due..without hubby knowing..oopss now dah tau huhu..2 lines!but very the same time..Mr Hubby was behaving very weird a couple of weeks before.Pening2..loya pagi2..wekk wekk masa gosok gigi tu..haha tak boleh makan nasik..tak lalu nk makan nasik for 2 weeks kot..tak sedap badan la..macam2. He suspected that i was already pregnant by that time..i said nothing la coz tak nak mengharap sangat kan..Lepas period missed by a few days baru la test betul2..this time memang dia tau la..and anxious nak tau the result..again 2 lines..and faint still..
unexpected but thankful of course..but this time around, i tried not to get too excited about la once bitten twice tak nak mengharap sangat..
Until 8th week rasanya lepas check up and confirmed ada heartbeat semua..baru la spread the news to our families..

Now i would like to share this happy news and moment with u guys..and hope that all of you will pray for the health and well being of my baby..and me too..InsyaAllah EDD is 15/06/10.please pray for us yea..=)

As the closure of the year 2009..on the 25th..our 1st Wedding Anniversary..

courtesy of PIL

wow..rasa macam baru je kawen..always in the honeymoon mood eh..hihi
it was a beautiful day..hubby gave me a surprise vacay (surprise kee dah ley teka jeeee..hakhak [=p)
everything was beautiful and nice..the ambience..the place..ahhhh heaven..rasa tak nak balik je..huhu

thank you so much bb for the wonderful day..and for being the love of my life..for all the things you've done for me..i really appreciate it..
I'm sorry if sometimes i gave you a hard time..well now i think most of the time kot..with the mood swings, the super sensitive perangai..malas nak masak..mengada-ngada and such..:p

Just so you know..

although i may not say it often enough (as u would always say it).=)

alaa..bagi can la nak feeling skettt..haha k dah2 enjoy the pics

-the end-

sayonara, au revoire 2009

and welcome 2010!!

Happy new year peeps!

Friday, December 25, 2009

First year...=D




Saturday, December 19, 2009

My hubby...

First time jumpa with your hubby bila and kat mana
tak jumpa..tengok je..dlm friendster..wahahaha

Love at first sight?
Nah..i don’t believe in love at first sight..not my cup of tea..hehe

Who is he when the first time u met him?
dia adalah seorang yg sgt tembelll

How long it takes for him to ask u out for a date?
tak lama pun..coz die dah terpikat denganku..hehehe tapi tuan punya badan nie tak mahu..dalam erti kata lain..mereject..hahaha

First place dating di?
kat McD mid valley..and he was 2 hours late! Grrrrr…tapi lepas jumpa hilang geram..haha =p

How he proposed?
Out of the blue masa dalam kereta to keluar dating..he said ‘jom kawen’ dengan muka selamba. and I said ‘hahahaha’. Didn’t believe a word he just said..sbb die bkn jenis yg serius..semua benda pun nak buat lawak..hah amek kene gelak!

Special date with your hubby?
Bertunang : 29 Disember 2007
Diijabkabulkan : 25 Disember 2008 (ehhhh tgk ticker kat atas tu..heeeheeeheee =D )

Changes that he asked you to do?
Jangan gigit kuku..salu kene eyp eyp bila curi2 gigit..sorok2 pun ley nampak..aiyooo~

What is it about him that you love so much?
He’s not the typical type of husband yang menyerahkan urusan rumah to wife sahaja..he helps to cook, do the laundry and now since keadaanku macam ni..hormon haywire, emotions tunggang terbalik..die la yg wat everything..even masak air panas and prepare air suam for me to mandi..awwhhh…thank you bb.. love u sooo much!(harap2nye bkn time2 canie je rajin ek..hihihi)

What is about him that u wish he would change?
Change his mind of naming our future son with muhd fabregas *tepuk dahi*

You will lose your mind n crack your head when he?
Refer to q 1 again, the tembelness of him really made my blood go upstairs u know..dari mood happy2 nk jumpa die trus jadi raksasa gorgon..hilang trus mood..mana taknya..dah la bg si gadis (ee yekkk) menunggu which is so tak gentleman la kann..tunggu die pulak berjam2..bersiap je 1 jam..kalah I tauu..OMG!!Nasib la diriku ini penyabar yang amat. Tapi sejak kawin ni, ada laa improvement *clap2*

U will smile tru your eyes for the whole day when he?
gets ready before i do..haha

Complete below sentences...
my love towards my hubby is as big as...infinity =)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

**~.:-Salam Lebaran-:.~**

Mata kadangkala salah melihat
Mulut kadangkala salah bicara
Hati kadangkala salah menduga
Maafkanlah salah dan silap yang pasti ada

"Salam Aidilfitri to all..

Maaf Zahir dan Batin"

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


First of all:


dah wish semalam and celebrate di Residence Hotel..
yang ke berapa?59 tuuu...hehe

wahh raya dah dekat..

wahhhh baju raya tak beli lagi!


ok la baru ada satu..but then..mana cukup??!!haha

takpe..this friday shopping sampai lebam..marilah!

(nak sedondon tapi ade org tu xnak beli baju melayu.. :(  )

anyhow..tahun ni 1st time raya ber'hubby'..ape perasaan ek?tah la..belum sampai time die so takde perasaan sgt..ley tak camtu?haha

tapi..tahun nie ada sikit sedih la..ok la tipu..bkn sikit..banyak jugak la..

tahun ni beraya side hubby dulu..iaitu di Shah Alam..(ye dekat but still..huhu)
so tak dapat la beraya dgn my mama n abah early in the morning :(
pergi solat raya sama2..:(
ye lah we all 3 orang je both of them je yang tinggal berdua..tak tau lah macam mana my mom nak pergi sorang2 tu..sebelum ni selalu kena temankan mom ni die direction out sikit..and too dependent on either my abah or me..sian die..tak ada org nak teman ..wuuuuuu i hope she'll be ok..
bila terpikir benda tu..jadi sedih sangat2 :(((((...
(tetibe emo pulak)

tapi takpe noon dah boleh balik Seri Putra..yeayy~ heeheeeheeee *clap clap*

nasi tomato oo nasi tomato..windu aku sama kamu..

p/s- nape masih sedih?............

Thursday, September 10, 2009

10 hari lagi..

kini tiba 10  malam terakhir Ramadhan..

10 malam terakhir untuk memperbanyakkan amal ibadat..

mungkin juga malam terakhir di bulan Ramadhan buat kita..

peluang yang hanya datang sekali setahun..

usahlah disia-siakan..

aku sedih..

kerana tidak dapat merebut peluang itu..

bukan rezeki ku..

tapi tak apa..masih boleh berzikir kan..

kepada yang berpeluang..

jangan sia-siakan..

hidupkanlah malam-malam terakhir ini..

selamat beramal~

Friday, September 4, 2009

1 perkara...

Dah 8 bulan berkahwin..

hidup bersama..

di bawah satu bumbung..

macam-macam perkara baru yang diketahui tentang partner ku itu..

ada yang disukai..

ada yang tak berapa nak suka..

ada yang langsung tak suka...

orang kata..

biasa la..adat berumahtangga..


satu perkara ni memang aku tak boleh tahan..

sekali..tak apa lagi..

dua kali...boleh senyap lagi..

tapi setiap kali pun nak buat macam tu..

mana boleh tahan..

terus hilang mood serta merta...

bayangkan situasi ini:

aku menggoreng ikan..

sambil diperhatikan oleh si suami itu dengan penuh kusyuk..tanpa sebarang kata..

dalam hati 'ooo nak tengok isteri yang baru nak masak ni goreng ikan kot..ok la mari tunjuk skill..haha'

sebaik saja ikan diletakkan ke dalam minyak panas..

maka terpercik lah segala minyak yang ada dalam kuali tu..

lalu terkena dinding dan juga dapur memasak dan juga kitchen top..

Apa yang si suami buat?

dengan pantas dia mengambil kain dan terus mengelap segala dinding dan dapur memasak dan kitchen top yang tercemar dengan minyak..

sambil aku menggoreng..


tangan kami bersilangan atas dan bawah..kiri dan kanan

seperti mau perang..

dapat bayangkan tak?

bukan sekali

malah setiap kali aku masak..

setiap kali tu la perangai dia..

tak sabar-sabar untuk mengemas dapur..

sampai tak boleh tunggu habis masak..

bersilang-silang tangan pun tak apa asalkan tak ada setitik pun minyak/kuah/kotoran di dapur tu..SETIAP MASA

mana aku tak rimas?

asyik kena perang bila masak..hilang mood i tauu

nak letak garam/gula kena guna sudu..eiiiii rasa tak umpphh la kalau guna sudu..

pergerakan i terbatas you know...

kalau nak tau, dapur tu ruang paling dia sayang..

kalau boleh tidur kat dapur tu..dah lama dah tu..

setelah aku 'berasap'..

sekarang ini..setiap kali aku masak..

si suami tidak lagi berada di dapur..tau dia tak tenteram duduk di ruang tamu tu..haha

sehinggalah selesai semuanya

dan sepantas kilat dia akan terus mencuci, mengelap dapur tu semua sampaiiii bersinar-sinar..haha tapi basuh pinggan tak rajin pulakk..

hati berkata 'yesss tak payah kemas dapur..muhahaa'

dari segi itu aku suami banyak menolong..

cuma aktiviti masak ku jangan diganggu..nanti aku bertukar jadi gorgon..hahaha


p/s- muekkk![=D

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Astro Price Increase Petition

Astro Price Increase Petition

Mari bersama-sama sign!

Because of u astro we had to ikat perut tau!and still have!
(nak buat mcm mana ade org tu kaki bola)

sign! sign! sign!

wahhh semangat!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Salam Ramadhan

yeayy sambut ramadhan ber-hubby tahun ni..sahdu pulak rase tetiba..bestnyeee..haha wishes to all my muslim friends..

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan dan Selamat Berpuasa

saya memohon maaf kepada semua di atas kesilapan samada sengaja atau x disengajakan selama ini. Semoga amalan pada tahun ini lebih baik dari sebelumnya

p/s- heeee [=D

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Snippet of the wedding zul cst originally but now he's moving forward with his own brand..anyone who's interested boleh la call dia..the price is reasonable..

by mymoments

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Apo kono eh..


rasa nak marahnyeeee

marah sambil nangis lak tu

tah kenapa la lately macam ni

haih konpius den~

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009


ok peeps

i find no interest in blogging anymore

there's not much interesting topic pun nak di blog kan

tak tau la kalau in the future terasa nak tulis lagi

till then


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It is about time...

Some human beings are just so insensitive. or is it no common sense at all up there??the least you can do is tanya khabar. Tak nak call, SMS boleh. Max 20 sen. ohhhhh mahal. Takpe la.
Email ada, YM ada, MSN ada. Friendster ada, Facebook ada. Macam2 ada la senang cite dalam dunia serba canggih manggih nie.Alasan ape lagi nak bagi?
Hmm mungkin buta IT.
ke buta HATI??
the latter suits you the best.

is that so freaking hard to do??and yes i do mind.why?
because we are so-called 'family'.literally.

yea right.

dengar pun buat sakit telinga je. belum kira sakit hati lagi.

and the attitude..OMG!sore to the eyes..sick to the stomach.
Tolong la sedar diri sikit. Dont act pure and innocent. Nak muntah haku.

They say..masa susah la kita tau siapa 'who' they really are. I cant agree more on that.
Been keeping this for so long. Malas nak simpan. Nanti jadi cancer pulak merebak satu badan.

to you, you, you, you and you
i cared before..but not anymore.
Your time will come. Allah itu Maha Adil.

To my dear friends who have texted, called, dropped emails, messages and comments for the past few weeks:
My deepest gratitude and appreciation and many thanks for all your prayers, well wishes and support. I really needed them. Thank you sooo much.

To my beloved hubby:
Please hold my hand and walk me through all this. And dont ever let go.
I need you.
I really do.

I'm sorry for being such a burden to you...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

kepadaMu kekasih...



datang bertimpa-timpa...

seperti tiada penghujungnya...

Ya Allah..hanya kepadaMu aku berserah...

Monday, May 4, 2009

Prayers are all i need.. the moment, that is all i need..

i will write about it when the time is right..

as of now..

its bad news of our lil' sweetpea..

tomorrow will go for another check up..

the hope is there..but not as much as last few days..

please pray for my lil' sweetpea yea friends..

we'll meet again tomorrow yea sayang..hopefully it wont be the last time..
mummy loves you..very much...


Thursday, April 23, 2009

oH HuBbYku

1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen? channel..haiyohhh

2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
mesti la thousand island..kalau takdak, mayo pun jalan...

3. What's one food he doesn't like?
asam and jeruk..considered food la kan..anti betul dengan dua benda tu..hishh rugi2..

4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?
dulu: Nescafe..nescafe..nescafe..dah kena sakit kepala haritu terus tukar menu..teh pulak.

5. Where did he go to high school?
SMAP Labu (tak bestttt) haha

6. What size shoe does he wear?
Size kapal..9..haha

7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
Semua barang-barang Arsenal..kalau boleh stadium emirates tu pun die nak bawak balik agaknye..hakhak

8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?
Takde tapis2..semua pun ley je masuk dalam perut tu..

9. What would this person eat every day if he could?
pizza..serious..hantu pizza.

10. What is his favorite cereal?
cornflakes kot..

11. What would he never wear?
underwear..wahahhaa boxers xpe..ahaha

12. What is his favorite sports team?
Semestinya Arsenal!

13. Who did he vote for?
roket kot??ahahaha

14. Who is his best friend?
me!!(i’d like to think so..hehe)

15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do?
pakai baju lundu2..hahaha (he told me himself..padahal xlundu pun..cantik perrrr..=p)

16. What is his heritage?
tak sure la pulok..caca merba.

17. What is his favourite colour?
oren..yang terang2 tu suke le die..

18. What is his habit?

19. What is he proud of?
me?and baby?hihihi

20. Lastly, do you think he will read this?
of course..hari2 bukak blog i..walaupun sameeeee je entrynye 2,3 minggu..haha

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

oh hutang2 yang belum dibayar 1

Questions & Answers

1) Apakah nama blog anda sekarang dan kenapa anda memilih nama itu?
miNdLeSs ThOuGhTs..kenapa?tah rasa cam kool je..haha

2) Apakah link blog anda sekarang dan bagaimana boleh timbul idea untuk menamakannya seperti itu?
idea timbul sebab i loikeeee bedazzled la dienye..nak letak bedazzled je senanye tapi dah ada orang ambil..huh!

3) Apakah 'method' penulisan dalam blog anda?
Cha cha merba..ikut sesedap rasa..kadang2 proper..kadang2 tunggang terbalik..ikut mood.haha

4) Pernah terasa nak hapuskan blog anda?
ade la penah sekali...time tu emotionally unstable..semua pun nk hapus..roaarrrr..=p

5) Apakah pendapat anda mengenai blog kepada pemilik blog yang tag anda ni?
Knits...teman se Uni, se Course dulu..pernah beli cupcakes from die..tangan mmg berseni..cantik banget designnye..(skang ni nape tak buat dah knits oiii..hehe)..dulu masa sebelum cek kawen, die la my sumber reference bab2 kawen ni (mcm2 i belajar from die youu..haha ;)) now dah upgrade jadi consultant..bab2 preggy pulak..haha.All I can say is that she's a nice lady!And it is true..macam mana die kat luar, macam tu la die kat dalam bertih jagung!=D .tak lame lagi dia nak bersalin dah..all the best knits!!yeay!!(tumpang excited =D)

Hmm...nak tag siapa pulak nie...

Wajib: my SIL
Optional: Sesape je la yang rasa nak buat tag ni..

Monday, April 6, 2009

7 days..

It's monday..and genap la seminggu duduk di rumah baru..berdua..

sunyi sepi je rase..

kalau dulu duk kat umah my parents..walaupun selalu pun berdua je kt bawah tu (conquer bilik tv hehe kijam)..tapi ada kelibat abah atau mama kadang-kadang menjenguk (really missed them ..nak pulak tengah preggie nie..wuwuwuwu)..tak pun Kiki and Tom datang meow meoww bising nak makan..huhu (rindu la pulak kat dua ekor tu)

org tgh mekap pun nak ngendeng..haih pak sebok betul haha

sekarang ni..dua orang je..hubbyku lagi la terasa..dia kat rumah dulu ada 2 orang adik..lagi ramai kan..

tapi takpe..bak kata orang this is the time to be on your own two feet, rasa susah hidup sendiri and as for be a housewife..selama ni mama yang buatkan itu ini..hihi i'm still adapting to the new role and responsibility..

and syukur ada seorang hubby yang sangat memahami dan baik hati dan sangat menyayangi..


sebab dia tolong kemas rumah, angkat itu ini, masak lagi..yes he cooks..=)

the menu the other day: Ginger steamed chicken, 'burnt' mashed potato (haha..more like smoked laa) and mix vegetable soup..western abesss. tastyyyy and yummyyy *drool*

and he made breakfast pagi2..because lately ni sangat la penat..fatigue to be exact..symptom2 preggie kot nie..alhamdulillah tak ada morning sickness ke ape ke..walaupun dah masuk 6 weeks (wah cepatnye) kalau tak lagi pening hubbyku itu..hihi

thank you bb for everything that you've done for me..i love you..muaaahhhhh~

by candidsyndicate

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Notice the newly added ticker above?

yes..i am 5 weeks pregnant..Alhamdulillahhh

no words can ever describe the feeling..mixed emotions and feelings came all at once (blame the hormones?hehe)

We went to the clinic yesterday to have it confirmed..after test sendiri at home 3 times haha..(ye la morning sickness takde so macam 'eh ye ke tak ni') and tak nak la over excited kan (xmcm org tu..xsesabo =p)

Then lepas dah confirm baru rasa lega and obviously sangat2 happy!!!=D =D =D

i hope everything will go smoothly...dengan baru pindah rumahnye..kene jadi housewife betul2..xley ngelat2 dah..huhu

And please pray for me and the lil' one yea...

ala tomey tomey tomeyyy =)

Sunday, March 29, 2009


i have some shocking news..

A good friend of mine has lost her father-in-law in a tragic accident while hiking at Bukit Melawati.

it was in the news:


May Allah have mercy on his soul..

p/s- Dear, so sorry to hear about the tragic strong both of you.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

3 is the number

see the ticker?it has been 3 months(nape rasa macam lame ek?huhu) alhamdulillah tak ada scene baling pinggan mangkuk lagi..hahaha kidding

in 3 months the experience of truly being hubby and wife has not yet tested..well at least not to the fullest..coz we're still staying at my parents' house in Bangi..

sometimes mummy dearest so baik hati basuhkan baju bila tengok dah bertimbun dalam laundry basket tu..buatkan breakfast..masak..huhu saaaayangggg mama muaaahhhhhh

and next month, the real challenge shall begin..we're finally going to move out to our own house..apartment to be exact. Part of me do feel excited..but the other part, cam berat hati je nak tinggalkan my parents..especially mummy dearest *tskk tskk*

dan juga sebab kena masak, basuh baju, kemas umah, basuh pinggan mangkuk full time..tak ley ngelat dah..huhu
bb slow2 ok..nanti pressure tak best..haha

Tapi papepun..i hope i can be a good wifey..i'll try my hardest and best to be one..InsyaAllah..

So i come...wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~

Monday, March 16, 2009


Tak ada ape pun sebenarnya..hehehe

Stories have been piling up everyday..the fingers were tooooooo lazy to work their magic on the keyboard..Tons of work at the office..not to mention the internet connection at home just would not co-operate as chipsmore kejap ada kejap tak ada..haiyohhh

in the meantime, i'll just put up some pics la..a decent post will be uploaded later..IF time permits..

credits to shahril affandi

credits to prettypeektures

credits to the photoG from the groom's side (tatau sape)

p/s-album,video semua belum deliver..OTW (penat tunggu)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


My pure intentions were misunderstood..

instead of seeing it in a bad way..

why can't you accept it with an open mind?

i could feel the resentment..

should i be jumping up and down with joy?

the least i can do right now is to fake a smile..

and from this moment on..

i will give myself a huge favor..

i'll say nothing at all

I'm through with this mess

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

HaPpY BiRtHdAy!!!

My hubby's birthday today..hihi

DeaR darling Hubby..



Kita enjoy hari ni yeh?Surprise surprise...mmuaaahhhh ;)

Friday, February 13, 2009

A Quickie

Lately nie banyak sungguh cravings gue..macam mana la pipiku ini tak membulat dengan jayanya..dan juga errr perut..seperti biase laa..berlipat2..haha

Last week's craving:

Korean BBQ (treat mummy and daddy to Seoul Garden Pantai Dalam..ahhh lamb grill sangat juicyyyyy)
IKEA meatballs (tah berapa juta kali makan..still tak jemu2. siap beli jam die lagi..and the gravy yang dijual di dalam paket..but y the frozen meatballs dah tak jual??grrrrr)


Hainanese Chicken Rice (ended up going to Chicken Rice Shop..ayam double tuuu..siap pow nasi hubby lagi..wahhh hebat tak hebat lah gue sekarang ini..haha)


Johnny's golden mushroom (yess..berjaya pujuk hubbyku ke alamanda after work..uuuu xsabarnyeee mau makannn)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Wedding List

I'm sooooo in the mood..

to update!

yesss...some of my friends have been asking me who are the photoGs, who did the dais and deco, who did the make-up for my wedding..caterer..etc etc

well it's about time the credits are given to them.

25 & 27 December 2008

Nikah Attire : Dzull de classique (the owner,K. Ina sangat peramah dan baik..and the price is really reasonable)
Wedding Attire : Puteris (for muslimah) located in Putrajaya
Make up nikah: K. Anis candidsyndicate
Make up sanding: Saidatulnisa (kakak ella nie tau..persamaan: rambut yg cantikkk)
Make up bertandang: kak aween seindah wajah
Pelamin and deco : Nas Great Idea
Hantaran: Nurul Azlina
Wedding Favor : Hayati (my colleague..cheese tart sgt sedap..speciality: anything with cheesee..yummyy)
Wedding Card:
Caterer : CT Catering
Photographers : candidsyndicate , prettypeektures , shahril affandi
Wedding Planner & all the ideas of the wedding : yours truly and mummy dearest =p

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

You've got tag

Wah lamanye tidak mengupdate..padahal banyak je benda nak di story mory (broken gile la bahasa gue skang nie)..nak kata busy..takde la sangat skang ni..nak kata malas..mmg malas kot..haha bb tolong updatekan boleh tak? [=p

Anyhowww..the taggin game is onnnn...thanks to anischan!
Rules: The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 6 people.

I Am

wah..macam kena cari je buku ni..hehe

I Really Want To Go To

I wanna swim with the dolphinsss..wuuuu

My Favourite Place


My Favourite Thing Is

they is where the magic happens..minus the bottle of cos laa..hehe

My Favourite Drink Is

iced choc..yummeyyy

My Favourite Food Is


My Favourite Colors Are definitely (tukar sikit la hihi)

I Live In

Bangi, Selangor.

I Was Born In

Penang Gleneagles Medical Center

I Attended

Sek Keb Minden Heights (no pic)

My favourite story is

This is my hobby




And I definitely wish for


6 unlucky ones are:
Sesiapa yang rasa nak buat lah..hehe

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

1 and counting....

waaaa finally i'm able to update this bersawang blog of mine..busy busy busy like a queen bee..haha

bukan apa..everytime i tried to update, ada je benda kena iron baju hubby, buatkan kopi, teman tengok tv, teman tgk movie zombie haha etc etc..(wah mithali sungguh..=p)

anyways, its been a month and a week..belated sikit la ye..

~.:HaPpY 1 MoNtH AnNiVeRsArY
Bb HuBbY:.~

Love you more and more each day..hiks =D

Monday, January 12, 2009


hmm when you look at the list..some are unavoidable..

kotex?? (why oh why)

intel?? (hancus pc ini)

haih..why cant we live in peace and harmony..