I had my detailed scan at An-Nur last 2 weeks..so far everything was normal alhamdulillah syukur..vital organs were visible and everything else looked fine..baby was active the whole week..esp masa baring tgk tv..timbul2 perut ni bila dia kick2..bila usap2 perut lg galak tendang2..kuat lak tu..huhu so cute..=)
tapi si tecik sgt notty..when i called Mr Hubby to look at it, terus senyaaaap je..sian Mr Hubby..merajuk die..haha
but a week after, i could feel the kicks were not that active and subtle je..n tak rase sgt die kick..it got me worried the whole day and night..n decided to go straight away to see my gynae the next day..as usual before jumpa doc, the nurse akan check BP, weight and urine..dua2 ok except weight ada sikit prob..naik 3kg!i think the penimbang rosak laa..seriously..huhu
Went in to see the doc and told her my concern..dia scan and said the baby looked fine..heartbeat semua ok..she mentioned that the baby was still small and sometimes the mom wont feel the kicks etc..she asked me not to worry..
well she's the pakar so i accepted her explanations la..but i did feel the difference though..
and she was right..as the days passed by, the routine went back to normal..and i was so relieved..i dont mind being kicked here and there, wiggling2 near the bladder sampai ngilu rasa..i enjoyed the moment..very much..
my theory was..perutku membesar dgn jayanya sbb tu xrase the kicking as strong as before..ley pakai ke?haha
oh yeaaa...at 25 weeks, si tecik adalah berumur 26 weeks ye..meaning dia juga membesar dgn jayanya..EDD pun udah naik..tak banyak la dalam 4 hari camtu.. as long as ur healthy sayang mommy dont mind..just dont get TOO besar ye..huhu
Last Monday i went for my routine check up at KKPTJY and supposed to get the ATT jab (sangat fobia dgn ini jab..last time kene cucuk bengkak seminggu..seksa gileee)
berat naik sekilo lebey je dari previous weight (penimbang mana yang rosak pun tak tau la den) semua pun ok takde prob..except HB..turun lagiii..jadi 10.0 je..wuwuwuwu. kena mkn 4 biji iron tab dah skang nie..makin sembelit le aku..haha
dah nak gi cucuk kat bilik lain ni..tetibe nurse tanya..family ada history diabetes tak..i said yes and die terus cakap 'eh tak pernah lagi minum air gula kan..kene minum ni sbb ada history'
haiyohh..penat den control diet..last2 kene minum gakkk..so next check up in 2 weeks kena minum..haihh redah aje laa..mintak2 result ok nanti..amiinnn~
oh babe.. cemas kan baby tak gerak.. mine pun macam yours, now dah back to normal. pheww lega!!! i pun kena buat MOGTT testt tu sbb ada history diabetic in the family. tp my gynae plan to do it at 32 weeks. hmmm maybe sbb berat i maintain je, so maybe mcm tak risau sgt pasall diabetic tu kot. ATT tu pun i tak amik lagi. ATT for kancing gigi kan?
yuppy..cemas n risau gile..xley tido semalaman tuu..pas dah ok legaaaa den..huhu
btol..ATT tu for kancing gigi..1st pregnancy/anak kene wat 2 times..2nd anak dan seterusnya 1 kali je..i ngn ATT ni mmg xngam..sakit lahaii..org lain rilek je..haha
the 1st buat ATT bila? My gynae xde mention pun bout it. Nampaknya next week check up harus kena tanya ni. Btw, bila u plan nk gi bf class susuibu tu? Jom go together. :)
1st ATT dalam 5/6 month rasenye..then 2nd dkt2 8 cmtu kalu xsilap la..ni gomen tau..sbb i gi check up gomen gak kan..kt private i xsure..neway, just tanya ur gynae.
jomm..i dah register kt susuibu tu for class on 9/5..yg awal2 lain sumer dh penuh..kat bangi la tapi..if u nk join gi register cpt..ade 3 seats lg kot..=)
nanti simpan air gula tu.. ley bancuh nescafe utk bb kat rumah nanti hihi
an nur kat sek 6 shah alam tu ke? raina sunat di itu last two week
bb: xyah guna utk bancug nes..ley minum cmtu je..perisa oren..nyumm..huhu
Nurul: Bkn kat shah alam..ni an-nur kat bangi..=)
wuuuuuu jangan la ai kene minom air gula..
xsanggop!! huhuhu
Nadya, mawar pun sesekali risau gak klu baby on board sgt aktif for few days then tetiba lg few days xbyk gerak. Tp rs normal lah, bc preg books pun it says baby mcm adults gak ada hari with xtra energy dia jd aktif, ada hari nk
chill rest je ;-) dont worry k. Da nk g 8 months checkup lusa, da gain 11kg tp xpernah plak gynae suruh minum air gula check sugar level. Apsal ek?tertanya gak dlm
hati tp asalkn gynae always comment baby n mysef ok xyah nk risau la kot ek. Tc k!
cikpuanmiera: huhu harap xyah le..tp kalu perisa oren sedap gak pe..hehe
mawar: yea ade bace gak..ade hari2 die bermalas-malasan..ade hari rase cam nak berlari sana sini..hehe as long as in 12 hours ada 10 kicks baby ok insyaAllah..
hmm..i think yg air gula tu kat gomen je kot..coz xde scan selalu so takut baby terover besar kalau ade gula dlm darah..frm there diorang bajet..but kalu private kan salu scan so tau baby ok ke tak..besar or bese..dats my theory la..huhu
alamak 9/5 ke? dah masuk almost 9 months dh masa tu. Hmmm thanks for the info btw. I check dulu camna :)
yeah.. not to worry! kt gomen mmg camtu. mmg kene minum gak air gula tu slalunya. huhu. my advice is.. u minum tu, u tegukkkk jer laju2. jgn minum stop2.. kalo u minum stop2, alamat nya u akan rasa loya nak muntah! tapi kalo minum terus menerus x stop, mesti ok! make sure lepas tu kumur2 okehhh!! hehehe.. xde apa sgt la minum air gula tu. don't worry.
ohh.. just to share! i selalu set in mind. masa preggy ni, terima je apa2 yg jadi & all the obstacles. jgn byk merungut sbb ni la pengorbanan seorang ibu. alhamdulillah masa preggy, i xde sakit2 blakang n sentiasa active! sakit sikit, lenguh2, etc mmg normal. i know u're a strong momma!! so tegukkkk jer air tu okehh! chaiyok2... kita ni kira hebat la sbb sanggup checkup kt gomen. i pun dulu gi checkup sorang2 jer, hubby x cuti. lepak jer la kan. mmg la tunggu lama. tapi sabar je la kan.. i x paham tul nape ppl nak merungut gi clinic gomen. ntah pape ntah.
heeeeee... kan dah terbebel tu! hihihih.. take care babe! x sabar nak visit u bila bersalin nnt! :D
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