i can feel the tension is building up bit by bit..the date has been set and we're already in the mid of April..n yet i am far away from executing the plan..not even 1%..haha.And my mom had been asking constantly about when?who?where?how?..arghh~
and boleh pulak compare dengan nik azura(if u read the yesterday's newspaper..she's getting married end of this year) yg dah 20% done compared to me. Gosh..stressnyeeee~
i'm taking baby steps here..i'm on my own..my hands are tight ok..so please understand.
For a start..i'm going to the bridal fair today with my Fiance..hopefully i'd get some brilliant ideas or offers that might come in handy..Amiiin.
Reh ko nye tunang je pun harituh dah GEMPAKS, I CANNOT imagine wedding ko nanti camane!!!
I sort of let go with mine, my mom did the ampangs, my step mom did the subang and the in laws did theirs. I wanted things my way but their way since to be easier. Balik malaysia, kawin, balik sini balik.
i also cannot imagine caner how my wedding will look like esah..haha..serious buntu..i think its better dat way..having org lain arrange kan everyhting..aku tunggu je utk dinikahkan n kawen..abes cite..hahaha cam ko kan bes!
unfortunately dats not the case.aduiii nk cari wedding planner yg wat frm A-Z kang sure costly gile..adehhhh
terpaksa la aku kejar sane kejar sini..huuuuu
yayie aritu my wedding kan i did most of it myself sbb mak aku kat saudi most of the time...
wedding end of may, aku stat do things since december... bila bt cmtu xterasa sgt duit tu kuar blambak2...
my dad juz setelkan food n jemputan je... yg len sumer sdri... with my buddy sorg tolong aku... mmg leceh...
tp jgn risau... mmg time b4 wedding tu nk tarik2 rambut.. time ni lah nk xsependapat dgn MIL... tp by the end of it... everything will b fine.. :)
part yang xsependapat dgn MIL tu yang xtahan tu anischann..ahahhaa yet to experience that.Hope not!haha
tau leceh gile..dgn aku nie yg fickleminded + fussy (bile bab2 canie lg gile fussy aku)lg tensi.xpe start awal better kan..xde la panik tarik2 rambut di kemudian hari ye x?haha
papepun, time akad tu bb nak nescafe.
bg tenang sket (pdhal mmg sentiasa tenang dan kool pun haha)
wohhh ada blog pe nye...
aren't you counting the days? *wink* *wink*
Those photo editings are freaky creative!
i'm counting the days and counting rambut yg gugur nie kak..haha
freaky creative?
freaky bijak kot??(coz main upload and save je haha)
but thanx neways!
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