"hearts can be broken
unbroken hearts are miracle
hearts need to be broken
if there's no hurting
then there's no healing
if there's no healing
there's no learning
if there's no learning
life has no meaning"
the open wounds never healed
and life could never be further defined
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
WhEn ThE HeaRT SpeAkS..
Sunday, April 27, 2008
the beauty in UGLY
But not so remarkable
Just an ordinary humble girl
Expecting nothing as we’re made to think
It’s a pretty person’s world
But you are beautiful
And you better go show it
So go look again
You gotta be true to your own
If you really wanna go to the top
Do you really wanna win
Don’t believe in living normal
Just to satisfy demand
Well if you wanna get free
And if you wanna do the passionate thing
And if you wanna get smart
For the sake of your heart and all
You should own your name
And stand up tall and get real
And see the beauty in ugly
Well you are fresh
Your face is fabulous
Don’t forget you’re one of a kind
When nobody’s checking the deeds you’ve done
And nobody’s hearing your cries
You make all the fashion statements
Just by dressing up your mind
And see the beauty in ugly
ugly ugly ugly!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
WeddinG bLisS

hmm...today i heard a somewhat drama cerekarama brought to life..and it amazed me how some people could actually decide to take the giant leap in a short period of time..this is her story:
she was on her way back home to Puchong after a one day course in KL. She had to take the bus but as it ended quite late at night..there were no more buses heading to Puchong..yet she still waited patiently while figuring out how to get home. fortunately, a bus suddenly stopped and she got in. however, that bus was heading to a different direction. The bus driver was kind enough to send her home (and i thot..wow berani btol die nie).
then seperti biase la..borak2 dalam bas tu(alaa mcm drama2 tu la)and before she got out from the bus, the bus driver asked for her contact number(kan dah ckp mcm drama swasta). That was in December 2007. A month later, they were engaged. And this coming June, they're getting married!
and the best part is..she told me..the future hubby is a kelantanese..and she actually dislike oghe kelate..alih2 dapat la pulak kan..and i said to her..bese la tu..selalunya kita akan dapat mana yang kita xsuke..
moral of the story:
1.tak suka pada sesuatu biarlah berpada2..
2.sesiapa yang tgh menanti jodoh tu..boleh la kalu nak cuba kaedah ni..hehe
Friday, April 18, 2008
time: after work
i had completely forgotten to bring the appropriate attire for the event..
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Once Upon a Morning..
i was making hot delicious frothy nescafe..
kak T:kak T punya anak saudara minta Kak T tolong carikan untuk dia calon la.macam mana ye..(while looking at me)
me: (looking right, left and back..there were 3 of us..the other person was a married lady with 4 kids)err..nape die xcari sendiri kak?
kak T:Dia bilal.xpandai benda2 mcm tu..
me:oooo (sipping the nescafe)
kak T: nadya nak kenal tak?
me: (uhukkk..tersembur nescafeku)hahh??(xtahan trus tergelak)
kak T: eh btol la Kak T tanye ni (serious gile muka)
me:akak..saya dah tunang laa kak..(time ni dah gelak gile)
kak R: (baru join in the conversation lepas basuh pinggan)eh nadya dah tunang ke?lahaii akak baru ingat nak kenalkan dgn anak sedara akak.
me:(duduk atas kerusi..lutut dah lemah)hah??ahahah..saya dah tunang kak(phewwww betapa leganya rase dah bertunang di saat itu..haha)
kak R: iye??ish ish..xbagitau pun budak nie
me:laa saya igt sumer kat sini dah tau..
kak R: (still promote gak)umur dia 36 tahun..ensemmmm..hidung mancung..(sampai part nie dalam hati i was like..akak ni beriye nye nk promote..haha).dulu dia amek medic kat london bla bla bla..
me: (lepas dah abes promote..ade la dalam 20 minit..rase cam 20 jam!) takpe kak..kat sini ramai lagi yang single yang boleh jadi calon(i just smiled and trus minta diri balik bilik)
masuk bilik je..
p/s- min..if u read this..gimme a call..netime k..hahaha
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Plan the Planning
and boleh pulak compare dengan nik azura(if u read the yesterday's newspaper..she's getting married end of this year) yg dah 20% done compared to me. Gosh..stressnyeeee~
i'm taking baby steps here..i'm on my own..my hands are tight ok..so please understand.
For a start..i'm going to the bridal fair today with my Fiance..hopefully i'd get some brilliant ideas or offers that might come in handy..Amiiin.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
*click* click*

A few attempts of editing the pics..the EASIEST way ever..NO photoshop involved..
just click click click n voila!
kool kan?
i'm lovin' it..lalalala~
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Long Long Time Ago...
(Once upon a time....)
last sunday i had a superb day out with my bb..altho it was a bit kelam kabut (mcm salu xkelam kabut je kan..haha) coz of the time constraint..but it was guuuddd..full of surprises and not to mention a series of unfortunate events?haha yeaaa every single date has its own momentous events for me to indugle in reminiscence later on..and bwahahahha gelak xigt dunia la jawabnye..haih~ bb bb why do u always have to bring dat aura pening with u?hakhakhak..
event 1
venue: shakeys pizza
after membuncitkan perot with garlic bread,a bowl of mushroom soup,a piece of fried chicken and a two slices of pepperoni n cheese regular pizza..my bb and i huha huha hikhik hekhek hakhak borak2 gelak2 and dgn lenggang kangkungnye left that place..WITHOUT paying the bill..wahahahaha ni sumer sbb kepeningan my bb yg di luar kawalan..kan bb kan kan?hihihiso as soon as we realized dat(thanx to me..kalo rely on org tu..hmmpphh..haha) we headed back to summit to langsaikan hutang..hihi(tu pun dah dekat setengah jam after gi masjid for asar prayer)
and the thot of seeing dat akak bengis to pay for the unpaid bill..urrghh menakutkan.mintak tolong org tu..bknnye nk tolong..die lak makin tolak2 kite..ahaha adehh~ terpaksa la wat muka comel yg sedia comel (uhuk) dan sengih besor2 sambil ckp sorry berpuluh2 kali..siap abang kat kaunter tu wat 'peace' lg..hahaha klakarrr~
i think..dat was the 1st and the last time id go there la kot..hahaha wut a day~
event 2
venue:bowling alley
my bb finally won the title..king of pins?hihihi
i was so glad he had a great time kickin my ass..eh is kickin ass the right word?or is it sumthing else?ha ha ha
ohhh i can still remember the 'owh yeaahhh yesss weeehoooo' look on his face whenever the X came up on the screen..hakhakhak
heartiest congratulations on the title beebeee..
u are the champ lah!
event 3
venue: meja makan kat mane tah
i was introduced to somebody who once had a place in my bb's mind..yup..his former crush..his daisy..haha its a small world afterall lalalallalla..sing along!
truth to be said..i had no clue who the girl was..xsebut name pun..dgn muka blur and senyum konfius..i had to figure it out myself..credit to the excellent judgment from my part (sesi masuk bakul pastu angkat sendiri..hihi)
i have to say..poor introduction bb..sian saye terpinga2..cuba lagi next time k..;)
whoaaa...panjang xhengat entry kali nie..where did all dat come from neways?