Saturday, September 27, 2008
thot it was the hingus..
whatever lah malas nak pikir kenapa..
i'm closing down this blog..soon.
so gudbye peeps..muahh~
Friday, September 26, 2008
Salam Aidilfitri
For those yang balik kampung, have a safe journey..
Wishing a very happy Hari Raya..
Maaf Zahir dan Batin...
Thursday, September 25, 2008
mOoD mOOdy
in fact takde mood nak buat apa-apa pun (for the prep)
oh tapi..mood nak shopping masih ada..but takde mood nak pergi mana-mana untuk bershopping..
just maybe..
p/s-oh i bought bunga api this year..reason being...tetiba teringin pulak..
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
B0d0 (updated)
Shame on you. A big snob. A stupid ***hole
Samakan dengan sedekah???Apa bodohnye ko ni?? (marah la ni!!!)
Kisah si bodoh
seeeee seeeeeee
mmg tepat what i wrote yesterday
cuma tak tulis dalam paper je
this person has done me a favor..hahaha puas hati akuuuu
read here
Sunday, September 21, 2008
go away you stupid cobra!
i'm good to go..
anytime soon..
Thursday, September 18, 2008 leaving
rasa sayu tiba2..
this would be my last Ramadhan as a single woman..
and this would be the last Ramadhan berbuka with mama and abah everyday at out home..only the 3 of us..
or the very last Ramadhan for me..
the next Ramadhan...
tinggal just the two of them..
i hope i'd still get to berbuka with them..even for a day..
p/s-thanks to Sug for the kad raya..the only kad raya this year..and its by snail mail!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
This is My Confession
my body is like a time bomb..
waiting for the right time to explode..
i've always had my own way of coping with personal distress and emotional pain..
yes..i have my own dark and empty space..
it has been a good friend of mine for years now..a loyal one..
and at the corner..there's a small box..where all the secrets are locked up safely
and at the moment..
the feeling of unlocking the small box is so great..
that i just let my fingers do all the talking..
its a confession that i have to make..
i'm sick..
i've been having it for like 5 years now..
it's nothing serious..and so i thot
until i stumbled across the article in the internet about the bad news..
then i finally realize..the frequency of occurrence rather high lately..
there's an abnormal activity in the heart..
and some other signs and symptoms..which can cause severe damages in the long run
there..its out in the open..
what exactly am i having?
as for now..let it stays safely in the box..
hmm..i feel 5 times lighter already..
this keeps playing on and on and on at the back of my mind
iF The ShOe FitS
until the shoes fit on you..
when they do..
selfishness kicks in..
the giver will always be a giver..
taking nothing in return..
the question is..
for how long?
Friday, September 12, 2008

tagging game kembali lagi..yeaaa
tapi ini tag kali ini sangat pelik..haha
1. Copy gambar di atas lalu post di blog anda
2. Teruskan tags ini minimum ke 5 blogger muslim yang anda kenal.
3. Jangan lupa tinggalkan komen pada blog mereka
4. Tulis alamat blog anda (di bawah gambar) setelah alamat blog pemberi tag
Pemberi tag
1. Puan Anis Chan
Penerima tag
1. Sesiapa yang nak buat la
ok that's about it..killing the time superbly~
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Touched Down
*lompat kegirangan*
i received the most awaited email today..'you' finally touched down yesterday
and tomorrow..
i will get to see 'you' for the first time!
uu uuu..i can hardly wait for the moment!
*dam di dam daaa*
Sunday, September 7, 2008
oh Gosh~
when you had to be in bed for 3 days..
you can get a lil' depressed..
and all you had was your ol' and loyal PC..(yes i still use PC ok)
what did you do?
and i ended up in bed still...
laughing my head off like a mad woman!
wahahahahhahahahhahahahahaha (sorry bb..i just had to..hahahaha)
more pics in my facebook..and credit goes to Denise for introducing me to this awesome site!
click away!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
rain rain on my face..
And so i text my boss and took my EL.Later had my cough syrup and boommm..sampai petang tak sedar ape..bangun2 je test suara..yeayy no more suara nyah yg keluar..back to my own voice tapi ala2 rock jugak la..haha
Today, our initial plan was to go here but Mr Fiance tetibe saje down with flu!yesterday he was perfectly fine!haii takkan jangkit thru tepon kot??haha and that buka puasa bersama-sama jugak lah..uu uuuu
weather pun sangat sedap untuk tarik selimut and tido..kaannn
sambil-sambil tu..i survey2 photoGs for my upcoming wedding..this is what i got from one of the photoGs:
SN: btw, kenapa book last minute betul?
me: errr..i thot 3 months before kire ok lg?
SN: Kat CS orang biasa booking 18 bulan in advance
sampai paling lambat dalam 4 bulan sebelum.
hoh??ok now i am reaaaaally panicking!ala tapi tu CS..mmg la (sedapkan hati sendiri)
*tarik selimut..tido*
Monday, September 1, 2008
Tummy Treat
i'll be back for moreeeee..(isk sebulan lagi..lamenyeee)
Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan dear friends..