Monday, November 24, 2008

Dan antara kesedihan itu
ialah apabila engkau menyintai seseorang,
akan tetapi si dia yang engkau cintai itu
menyintai orang lain selainmu.

Ataupun [kesedihan itu ialah]
apabila engkau menghendaki
perkara yang baik untuk seseorang,
sebaliknya dia mahu menyakitimu.

~ Imam Shafi’i

Saturday, November 15, 2008


It is every girl dreams to be a princess..or at least being treated as a princess.

I am one of them..

and the definition of a princess might differ from one person to another

as for me

to be loved, appreciated and cherished is all i need

and oh..


must haves!!

hmm..slipping a note in the bag or scribbling gibberish notes on a piece of paper kinda cute

dont u think?
Tak perlu mncari teman secantik BALQIS,

Jika diri tak seindah SULAIMAN,

Mengapa mengharap teman setampan YUSUF,

Jika kasih tak setulus ZULAIKHA,

Tak perlu diri menjadi seteguh IBRAHIM,

Jika tak sekuat SARAH,

Mengapa didamba teman hidup seistimewa KHADIJAH,

Jika diri tak sesempurna RASULULLAH S.A.W.

Tak guna Ada MATA kalau tak dapat MELIHAT,

Tak guna Ada HATI kalau tak tau MENILAI

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

mim alif lam sin

ah malas nak cakap pape lagi dah

cakap banyak2 kali pun tak guna

lu pikir la sendiri!

Monday, November 10, 2008


Last Saturday was tiring...but it was super fun (bb nnt tolak atas troli lg ek..hihi)
woke up early in the morning (heee kagum2)..feeling rather excited..
the plan was to do some shopping spree..

for our newly home sweet home..
(kuarters je excited semacam haha)

oohhh sangat rambang mata..oh no, not me.but HIM!haha surprisingly i was the one who being the rational one..he wanted to buy the hangers for ada 4 keping je..and i said
"takpe kita tgk kat carrefour lagi byk dapat"

see seee..that was so unlike me..normally i would just grab it without having second thoughts..or three or four..oh nooo what have i become??so baik of me kan..haha

however..we just couldn't take our eyes off this one particular rug..oh so gorgeous.burnt holes in our pockets.takpe lah..berkenan punya pasal..lagipun it fit the concept..and comfy untuk bergolek2 di kemudian hari..hehe oh yes, our home deco ada concept.Dalam proses nak pimp la ni..hihi

so by the end of the day..more like in 3 hours..we managed to grab coffee table,shoe rack,clothes rack,rugs and door mats and cushions.
items sikit je kan?
tapi bila tengok receipt..mak aiiiii.
but i wont complaint though..i have suggested other options..but HE insisted. And bermurah hati to pay most of it..
weehooo..bukan salahku ok..=D

(thank you bb..nanti kita pergi IKEA lagi ye..banyak lagi barang nak beli ni..ha ha ha)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tunggu dan Tunggu dan Tunggu..

Untuk kamu yang sedang menunggu. Saya juga pernah menunggu seperti kamu. Saya juga pernah merasa putus asa ketika menunggu. Kerana menunggu sesuatu yang tidak pasti. Sangat memenatkan. Sangat menyakitkan. Kamu bermain teka teki dengan hati. Tetapi, antara fikiran dan hati. Yang mana satu selalu menang? Kamu tahu jawapannya.

Fikiran kata, pergi. Hati kata, nanti. Akhirnya kamu masih begitu. Menunggu dan terus menunggu. Dahulu, seseorang pernah bertanya. Saya tak penatkah menunggu. Saya memang penat. Saya rasa sakit. Saya terguris. Saya menangis. Ada sesuatu yang menyuruh saya terus menunggu. Satu semangat yang sukar untuk dijelaskan. Tiada apa yang masih terus, kalau hati kamu kata…Berhenti. Cukuplah segalanya sampai di sini.

Kalau kamu masih mahu menunggu. Teruskan menunggu. Cuma jangan terlalu lama. Kerana, ketika kita menunggu. Banyak perkara yang sedang berlari meninggalkan kita.

Tamatkanlah segala teka teki. Pastikan isi hati.

Bloghopping punya kerja..

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

oh snap~

we had fun

despite peluh yang berjejeh-jejeh

but yea..we had loads of fun!

thanks a lot to an old friend of mine and his partner..who happens to be his girlfriend..for having us as their models tak bertauliah..haha

eh but this pic me yang pandai-pandai edit..still waiting for the real deal..

tungguuuuu bak kata love birds photoGs kita (sampai demam2 haa ada sorang tu..siannn)

sinan & nuown

thanks a lot guys! =D!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


HEROES is baaaackkk

Season 3

on the 22/09/08

and i just realized it last night!!



malam nie pulun download sampai lebam..

untuk menghiburkan hati yang lara


Monday, November 3, 2008


What Your Ideal Wedding Dress Says About You

Your Personal Style:

Funky and a bit retro. You draw from a lot of inspirations, but you always look put together.

Your Ideal Wedding:

A simple outdoor wedding with a few close friends.

Your Philosophy on Marriage:

Marriage is a journey. It's not all about who you're married to. It's also about how you approach it.

Your Perfect Marriage:

Has lots of open communication, flexibility, and understanding. Where both people are happy to give more than get.

Spot on!

Painted Misery

Having a mind block does not help at all at this point of time..I have so many things in my head..that need to be unraveled and sorted out..

perhaps it is because

the heart disagrees..

well..maybe a short list will do:

  • Wedding prep
  • Pre-wedding photoshoot
  • Painted misery

Later la kusut at the moment.
