Last Saturday was tiring...but it was super fun
(bb nnt tolak atas troli lg ek..hihi)
woke up early in the morning (heee kagum2)..feeling rather excited..
the plan was to do some shopping spree..
for our newly home sweet home..
(kuarters je excited semacam haha)oohhh sangat rambang mata..oh no, not me.but HIM!haha surprisingly i was the one who being the rational one..he wanted to buy the hangers for ada 4 keping je..and i said
"takpe kita tgk kat carrefour lagi byk dapat"
see seee..that was so unlike me..normally i would just grab it without having second thoughts..or three or four..oh nooo what have i become??so baik of me kan..haha
however..we just couldn't take our eyes off this one particular rug..oh so gorgeous.burnt holes in our pockets.takpe lah..berkenan punya pasal..lagipun it fit the concept..and comfy untuk bergolek2 di kemudian hari..hehe oh yes, our home deco ada concept.Dalam proses nak pimp la ni..hihi
so by the end of the day..more like in 3 hours..we managed to grab coffee table,shoe rack,clothes rack,rugs and door mats and cushions.
items sikit je kan?
tapi bila tengok receipt..mak aiiiii.
but i wont complaint though..i have suggested other options..but HE insisted. And bermurah hati to pay most of it..
weehooo..bukan salahku ok..=D

(thank you bb..nanti kita pergi IKEA lagi ye..banyak lagi barang nak beli ni..ha ha ha)