Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Attention Mothers!
The government has decided to ban polycarbonate feeding bottles containing the organic compound Bisphenol A or BPA from March 1 next year.As it had been learnt that BPA could cause disruption to the hormonal system and consequently interrupt bodily functions, but added that so far no evaluation had been done on the hormonal system in infants.
BANNED: Khairunnisa Kasnoon showing the differences between Polypropylene feeding bottle as compared to policarbonate ‘bisphenol A’ (right) during the health press conference. — Bernama photo
here's the link for more info on it. or
so moms please change the bottles the soonest possible. Its for the health of your infants.
P/s- luckily we bought BPA Free bottles all this while..
Monday, March 14, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
My Cuppycake...
My baby mulat is 9 months old..with two teeth at the bottom. Dah 2 hari demam panas time petang dan malam nak dekat pagi..suspect nak tumbuh gigi lagi..putih semacam je gusi atas tu..Injection pneumococcal bulan ni pun kena postpone dulu sebab demam. So berat dan tinggi tak tau lagi..Last month mase 8 months berat 9.6kg.tu pun turun sebab selsema n batuk agak lame..
sekarang die dah boleh cakap simple words..more like ajuk kite cakap la..perkataan yang pernah die sebut nak mam, bedak, b'day (birthday), nak, babai, babah (mummy belum lg..sedeyyy huhu).tangan pun dah pandai lambai2 bye2..yang bestnye bila nampak mangkuk makan die tu terus cakap 'nak mam' kadang2 'nak aumm' haha ikut mane yg sempat je si Aydan ni..same gak la motor skills die..nak ngesot+merangkak+duduk sekaligus serentak..tok die panggil si Kalut..aktif ya amatttt..lasakkk..dulu mase baby berat kot so skang dah ringan sket seronok la die nak explore..
masa 8 bulan..seronok main hon kete
jalan-jalan..takut kalau strangers dekat..walaupun bkn ckp dgn die pun..huhu
favourite time..makan timeee.
9 months mase kat playskool..dah besyar anak mummy ni..

kelmarin..demam masa 9 bulan..makan ubat xyah susah2..nampak syringe je excited macam makan gula2..suke betul..haha