As usual every month akan pegi check up kat KKPTJY and last monday was the appoinment kat is doing fine alhamdulillahh(check heartbeat je pun kat sane) but..
the mommy ade itu problem sikit lah..HB turun lagi..sebelum ni border je 11 then 10.6.Now dah 10.3. Pelik betul..nak kata xmkn iron tablet tiap2 hari mkn 2 biji..without fail..hmm kene mkn kerang byk2 nie..
dan yg tak tahan tu..mommy tambah berat 2kg ok..and kene warning dgn nurse. lagi 2 weeks kene gi lagi and kalau naik gak terpaksa la minum air gula yg menjadi igauan ngeri setiap ibu mengandung..haiyohhh. nurse advise control diet. but den pasrah je la..i know my body..mmg akan tau berat akan naiknye..kita dah memang jenis cepat naik badan..time preggy logik ke nk maintain?haha 0.5kg je sebulan patutnye naik..lagi le xmasuk akal..for me la..ade org ley je maintain.siap turun berat pun ade..kene minum pun minumm laaa..*abes pasrah dah nie*
yang lelain ok..urine ok BP pun ok..alhamdulillahh..kaki pun xbengkak so im happy with the results..except the HB ada sikit risau..
On wednesday pulak ada check up kat An-Nur..yessss hari yang ditunggu2..utk bertemu si tecik cayang..windu sgt kat die..asyik belek2 je print out previous scans..kene tunggu 4 jam pun relaaa uuu (paling lame penah tunggu..dari 3pm sampai 6pm++ baru ley masuk). Mr Hubby dah ngaruk2..moncong je mulut.. even baby kat dalam tu pun dah tendang2 byk kali cam xsabar..haihh ikut bapak keee..haha
plus kalau boleh nak tau whether si tecik is blue or pink.hehe
Nurse check urine and BP dua2 pun ok..lega lagi. Tapi berat tak dapat nk tolong laaa..baru lepas mkn kann..'buang' pun belum..haha (alasan everytime timbang berat). Tapi Dr tak komen pape pun pasal weight..baguslah malas nak dengar kene bebel..wat tensi aja dong..
Dr cakap sket2 then terus suh baring utk scan at 20weeks..excited nak tgk baby..kali ni siap2 bawak digicam minta Mr Hubby tolong record..nak hilangkan rindu for another month..baper saat je pun yg record tu xpro..haha
Scan2 je nampak si tecik sedang telangkup..same je cam last scan. mommy baru je berhasrat nk tgk angle lain..i think dienye favorite position lah..pastu main angkat2 montot..hihi comel je..
everything looks normal and growing accordingly..syukurr..
and the Dr showed us the *toot*. I wasn't expecting dat sbb position telangkup tu kan..but she managed to carik and showed it to of now, dah tau la. But nak tunggu next scan in 2/3 weeks just to confirm lg..hehehe Mr Hubby was so happy..coz die sorang je teka btol..the rest yang penah teka2 sebelum ni semua salah..even the mommy!hahaha
alritey that's about it. Nak tepek pics of si tecik pulak..enjoy~
10w 1d (kaki kemain lg terjulur hihi)
11w 0d
12w 1d (comel kan nmpk tgn tecik)
16w 0d (telangkup)
20w 0d (fav position)
p/s - mind the quality of the scan pics..amek guna digicam je..huhu
awwww... sgt geramnye tgk all da pichas. my scan pichas umm, mcm dr. tu xnk scan jer. so im like, tgk skali then letak dlm album. i just love my 1st scan pichas, and da latest pichas. yg lain tu, umm... hmmm...
wah, 20 weeks pun dah tawu da gender, dats so great. da dr. we'd seen keep on saying x confirm lg, i mean smpi ble nk confirm nih. i think smpi dah lahir agaknya...
orite, too much mumble, sorry eyh. take care nadya, you can do it!!!
awal lagi ni...might be a boy, don't rush out to buy pink stuffs
i slalu fail nk tgk gmba scan ni..dr aritu lg xsure apa yg i tgk.haha.
hopefully u and baby are doing fine always.take care ya..;)
yayee, aku dulu 11 gak HB. But lepas tuh makan IBERET-folic 500, makin ok.
Ko makan iron tablet ape eh?
Take care tau. Kalau tetiba kau bgn from tido mate berpinar pinar ke, jaga2 sikit. Jgn bgn laju sgt from bed esp.
And yes, get a double triple confirmation about the gender first :)
Pasal weight tu, mmg la awal2 die kate 0,5kg je per week, lama2 tuh aku pun more than 1kg per week naik :)
ain: haha kdg2 doc nak cpt so die tak scan btol2..nampak cam bayang2 aku saje je tanya itu ini nak bagi nmpk dpt le gak yg clear..huhu
btw..ko check up kat klinik mane?mungkin terselindung kot time ko scan xclear sgt..yg aku nie doc mmg cari sampai aku pun senanye xpaham sgt yg die tunjuk tu..haha
am: haha we'll see..=p
effa: haha ok tq..doakan2 ek..amiinn~
peon: mase awal2 dlu ade la amek iberet tu..skang nie aku mkn iron tab frm gomen je..kaler choc2 tab tu..tgk la kalu nxt month xnaik gak then maybe aku kene mintak iberet kat swasta le..
so far xde lg pinar2 tu..just cpt letih je..blk keje je trus cam sayur..haha
aku nie nnt konfem lebih sekilo naik..huhu
a handsome father's instinct is always right
BTW, nanti kita shopping barang baby.. bb budget total dalam RM3. Yayang topup lagi RM997 orait!
excited nyer!!! take care yayee eh, semoga sihat kedua2nya
byk sgt tu bojed RM3 sbb napkins kalau 12 dalam RM24 so kire dalam RM2 satu.. ko dah kasi lebeh RM1... pemurah hati btol la hubby ko yayee haha
fatma: huhu thanks dear!amiiinnn~
peon: beruntung gile dpt hubby cmtunye pemurah..hahaha
hi nadya,lama x tgk ur blog.i br perasan u left a comment at my old entry about the graco travel system!thanks so much,i da try browse at their website tp rasa mcm the one i bought x listed as dangerous.i bought graco mirage plus travel system,the name wasnt mentioned in the url u bagi.tqvm still.
suka tgk the scan pics of ur baby.bestkan?hehe chomel..
hi nadya,
kite samela.
as pon dh 5 buln 3 mingu.
kdg bile nk pegi checkup
semangat gile
hb as mule dulu tron jugk.
tpi sekrg dh ok.
mawar: oh nasib baik..otherwise jd hal plak nk kene return..huhu comel kan?salu bila nak scan mesti excited semacam..hihi
chik star: same yeh?ade geng..hehe tu la kene naikkan HB ni..kalu tak kene bebel lg ngn nurse yg kerekss itu..huhu
i plak yg teruja tgk...
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