Wah lamanye tidak mengupdate..padahal banyak je benda nak di story mory (broken gile la bahasa gue skang nie)..nak kata busy..takde la sangat skang ni..nak kata malas..mmg malas kot..haha bb tolong updatekan boleh tak? [=p
Anyhowww..the taggin game is onnnn...thanks to
Rules: The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 6 people.
I Am

wah..macam kena cari je buku ni..hehe
I Really Want To Go To

I wanna swim with the dolphinsss..wuuuu
My Favourite Place
My Favourite Thing Is
they say..it is where the magic happens..minus the bottle of cos laa..hehe
My Favourite Drink Is
iced choc..yummeyyy
My Favourite Food Is
My Favourite Colors Are definitely (tukar sikit la hihi)

I Live In
Bangi, Selangor.
I Was Born In

Penang Gleneagles Medical Center
I Attended
Sek Keb Minden Heights (no pic)

My favourite story is

This is my hobby



And I definitely wish for

6 unlucky ones are:
Sesiapa yang rasa nak buat lah..hehe