Sunday, October 26, 2008

When it comes knocking on your door...

A Uni friend of mine is being hospitalized. I barely knew her back then in the Uni. She was an EE student but her face...vaguely but yeah..i could still remember her. I heard this really shocking news from a friend of mine..who was my course mate. Visited this blog to get the full story. It happened so started on Sunday with badly bleeding gums. She was then taken to the hospital and suspected to be having leukemia..but further tests and examinations need to be carried out just to confirm it which can only be done in Wednesday..

So on Wednesday she did the bone marrow biopsy..and she was diagnosed and confirmed to be having a stage 4 bone cancer. The amount of her white blood cells were too high and chemotherapy was needed to shrink and finally destroy the cancer cells..

But sadly...her body couldn't withstand it..and she was unconscious and was fully depending on the ventilator..she was in a comma..

By Friday..her conditions worsen..Saturday morning, the left and right side of her brain were attacked..and she was unconscious still...

Let us all pray for her...

"How thankful we should be that God is giving us the chance to live healthy and being better human beings, patching up our wrong doings."

(yes mama..i couldn't agree more)

and spread the love while you still have the chance to...

p/s- bb i love you..


nadia denise said...

im assuming she's your sorry for her. takper. we'll pray she'll get better kan

Nadya said...

yea i guess sudden..

Anita, Mummy Adzryl said...

she just passed away today.. Innalillahh.. how sad.... eventhough i barely know her, but we did say HI whenever we passed by each other last time.. tak sangka betol.. Al-Fatihah... :(