(CAUTION: Lengthy.Needs high level of patience and tolerance)
Maybe some of you may have noticed a few new widgets added to this blog. To those who don’t, take a look at the top most of the blog content area and on the right column of this blog. Yes, countdowns and more countdowns. Bukan nak mempoyokan diri. But i really need those.why?
i am still taking my own sweet time..mcm siput b**i yang lembab.. those tickers tu is like a kick to the butt la..haha..i was doing ok until these questions popped up from my colleagues:
"how’s the prep going..baju dah buat ke..sewa ke tempah..kad dah settle ke..etc"
and my answer would be the same as what i told them 5 months ago..BELUM sambil gelak2. susah2 pakai je baju tunang hari tu..ok pe..haha’ (dalam hati je la)..hey at least i’m being optimistic here ok..=p
the truth is..everything is still under control..nampak je mcm tak buat apa2..but i’ve settled quite a few things already..the major ones la..but biasa la fickle minded. Did i tell you that i was a bad decision maker..kalau the given duration is long..i’d still wait till the last minute. Tak tau la..mmg camtu..i work best bila dah time tu macam nyawa2 ikan..plan tu ok..execution of the plan tu sangat lembab..haha.i know its not a good practice. Bukan apa takut bila dah decide and this fickle minded punya manusia mula nak tukar itu ini (aku la tu).
Anyway..tu baru intro je. Ni baru nak masuk isi.ala bukan selalu aku membebel banyak macam nie kan (semua sebab tenet yang super duper lembab kat ofis ni. Terpaksa la type kt word. Kalau tak maap leee).
oh back to the isi. So last Sunday we went to Jalan TAR to hunt for the kain for nikah. 2 months ago i’ve decided to buy a plain chiffon. Then hantar kat tailor bagi dia jahit all the beadings like the one i’ve seen in one of the mags. Really excited because i just love the design. So before heading there, i’ve made a mental note. Choose>Grab>Pay>.Simple kan?dalam setengah jam boleh selesai.
Oh how wrong i was. Setibanya di sana..mental note itu sudah dicarik-carik. Haha before i realized it, my eyes were looking for the beaded ones instead. The initial color was white.But i don’t really fancy white. So tukar jadi off –white. Which is what the usual color for baju nikah la kan..But i wanted a little bit of color to it..so cari yang beadings color2 sket..i did find one or two yang disukai at this one shop where i bought the kain for my engagement last year..Tunjuk la kat Mr Fiance the kain..tau apa dia cakap?
“biasa je” sambil mencebik. Adeh.Ok la move to the next choice..biasa jugak katanya..ok fine.Later cari punya cari..jumpa la kain yang saaaaaangat cantik siap beading lip lap lip lap ape semua. I tanya cantik kan?He said yes (finally the response was not ‘biasa je ‘).then i asked the sales assistant (yang tgk kitorang pun dah lain macam)berapa RM semeter.
“ oh ini RM400/meter”
Amekkk ko luar biaaaaaaasa punya kain..ahahaha terbeliak mata Mr Fiance..(hah amek luar biasa punya kain sy cari!i kan high taste haha)maka kami pun terus angkat kaki dan cabut dari kawasan kain-kain itu..dan juga kedai itu hahaha
Next stop pegi la kedai yang satu lagi..Euro Moda punya section..memang banyak la choices..bertingkat-tingkat rak . kitorang buat macam rumah sendiri la (siap ada sofa empuk..laaaagi la menggalakkan homely feeling itu haha)..ada la dalam 10 jenis design kot aku tarik keluar satu-satu. From white to off-white to beige to cream to champagne to very light pink to off-white balik.Semua tidak berkenan di hati Mr Fiance..cerewet mak aiii kalah gue.(siapa yang nak pakai pun tatau..haha nanti ckp camtu kena tanya balik 'siapa yang nak tengok orang tu pakai'..adehh sonyap yo la)
yang bestnye tu..sekejap tak ok.Lepas tu ok pulak.Yang mana aku berkenan, he didn’t like it.Yang mana die suka, aku mencebik. Semua pun “biasa je”. Yang mana luar biasa pun i had no idea. Sampai dah pikir-pikir nak pakai baju alien je hari nikah nanti .Luar biasa kan?ishhh..
To cut it short, after 2 hours disagreeing on the kain at ONLY one store..we finally made our decision (his decision la actually). And guess what?
Lets just say byebye to Ms White and Ms Off-White.
And say hye to Ms .......
Now, where’s my Plan B.
Oh lupa, baru nak buat.
p/s- bb..u owe me!
lawak la korang nih hehe.
Dont worry, it'll all be sorted and things would be spectacular that day!!!!
ha ha
i sure hope so!
u know me kannn
then i asked the sales assistant (yang tgk kitorang pun dah lain macam)berapa RM semester.
euro moda pun ada yuran semester ke?
hahahah ..
bojed .. beriye aku baca 2 3 kali dalam entry si yayee nak cari part tu ..
ha ah
mmg ade yuran
br tau keeee
syu: dah mmg tak obvious pun.org tu je suke jadi cikgu ejaan.
hmmm... nadya,
yus from Alan-Farah wedding.:)
i x tau lah kalau u still interested in off-white colour nikah outfit, or u dah beli kain kaler lain ke..
tapi, if i may made a suggestion,
kat ampang park ade satu kedai named 'de Couture boutique' or sth like that.
it's was where Ayu bought her baju nikah and her veil as well.[sepadan plak tu] harga agak mahal. tapi kalau terasa nak pg tgk ke ;)
happy buat preparations!
haluu! =)
oh thanks for the info!at first mmg interested in off-white but then ade org tu bekenan kaler lain lak dah..tetibe tukar plan trus..haha
kain dah beli..and baru je antar tailor jahit..ayu beli ready made ek?
thanks yea!if ada mase i pegi tgk..=)
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