I am approaching 6th month of pregnancy..all of a sudden the time flies reallyyy fast..it wasnt the case when i was in my 1st trimester..rase lambaaatnyeee nak lepas 3 months..bukan ape just worried and anxious coz mase 1st tri kan the risk of miscarriage is high..
Well now, Alhamdulillahhh..so far so good..the baby is doing fine, i'm doing fine. the tummy pun membesar dengan jayanya..wootwooot
sebelum ni i got lots of comments on how small my tummy looked..and to be honest, i thot so too. I looked more like a fat lady instead of a pregger..with the hips and thighs kept on expanding like nobody's business..and yg kat atas tu pun same je naik..lagi naik dari perut pun sebenarnye..haha
but nowww...cam bola tembikaii..its okayyy..everything for the lil one inside here..hihi am not complaining..am just enjoying the feeling of being a mummy to be..n a sexy one too..erk~muhahaha
Last week i had a follow up at KKPTJY at 22 weeks..to double check whether i had to gulp down the 'air gula' or not coz of the weight gain..phewwww nurse cakap tak payah..what a relief!Considering my total weight gain sepanjang pregnancy is only 4kg so the nurse kasik can la..pasni i tak tau..kalau kena pun pasrah je laa..sedap pe perisa oren lg..haha HB je tak check masa tu..so xtau dah naik ke turun ke..tapi skang nie asek mkn kerang rebus je..harap2 naik la..
And oh did the scan too kat KKPTJY..the dr spotted the 'toot' right away..sbb lil one nie duk terkangkang jeee..mane tak nampak kannn..haha well i didnt see it coz xclear langsung skrin tu..even the dr pun bukannya nak explain or gitau me..die pi gitau kat nurse and excited sama2 diorang lakk..apekahh????
terpinga2 la den kat situ sorang2..dah la tensi sbb tunggu turn lame gileeee dari kol 8.30 till 12++ just to get a glimpse of the baby for like 5 mins? tu pun xpaham n xnampak..haihhh sabor je leee..tapi xpeee sebab..
Next tuesday i'll be going for a detailed 2D scan session at An-nur..to check the baby's vital stats..yeayyy~.everytime nak scan mesti nervous..palms peluh2 semua..tah ape hal tahh..maybe sbb excited nak jumpe lil one ni..hihi
ok then..will update more later..on the stuff we bought etc..
eh cam byk pulak kan..xpe la pelan2 kayuh noooo..