Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It is about time...

Some human beings are just so insensitive. or is it no common sense at all up there??the least you can do is tanya khabar. Tak nak call, SMS boleh. Max 20 sen. ohhhhh mahal. Takpe la.
Email ada, YM ada, MSN ada. Friendster ada, Facebook ada. Macam2 ada la senang cite dalam dunia serba canggih manggih nie.Alasan ape lagi nak bagi?
Hmm mungkin buta IT.
ke buta HATI??
the latter suits you the best.

is that so freaking hard to do??and yes i do mind.why?
because we are so-called 'family'.literally.

yea right.

dengar pun buat sakit telinga je. belum kira sakit hati lagi.

and the attitude..OMG!sore to the eyes..sick to the stomach.
Tolong la sedar diri sikit. Dont act pure and innocent. Nak muntah haku.

They say..masa susah la kita tau siapa 'who' they really are. I cant agree more on that.
Been keeping this for so long. Malas nak simpan. Nanti jadi cancer pulak merebak satu badan.

to you, you, you, you and you
i cared before..but not anymore.
Your time will come. Allah itu Maha Adil.

To my dear friends who have texted, called, dropped emails, messages and comments for the past few weeks:
My deepest gratitude and appreciation and many thanks for all your prayers, well wishes and support. I really needed them. Thank you sooo much.

To my beloved hubby:
Please hold my hand and walk me through all this. And dont ever let go.
I need you.
I really do.

I'm sorry for being such a burden to you...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

kepadaMu kekasih...



datang bertimpa-timpa...

seperti tiada penghujungnya...

Ya Allah..hanya kepadaMu aku berserah...

Monday, May 4, 2009

Prayers are all i need.. the moment, that is all i need..

i will write about it when the time is right..

as of now..

its bad news of our lil' sweetpea..

tomorrow will go for another check up..

the hope is there..but not as much as last few days..

please pray for my lil' sweetpea yea friends..

we'll meet again tomorrow yea sayang..hopefully it wont be the last time..
mummy loves you..very much...
