Thursday, April 23, 2009

oH HuBbYku

1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen? channel..haiyohhh

2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
mesti la thousand island..kalau takdak, mayo pun jalan...

3. What's one food he doesn't like?
asam and jeruk..considered food la kan..anti betul dengan dua benda tu..hishh rugi2..

4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?
dulu: Nescafe..nescafe..nescafe..dah kena sakit kepala haritu terus tukar menu..teh pulak.

5. Where did he go to high school?
SMAP Labu (tak bestttt) haha

6. What size shoe does he wear?
Size kapal..9..haha

7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
Semua barang-barang Arsenal..kalau boleh stadium emirates tu pun die nak bawak balik agaknye..hakhak

8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?
Takde tapis2..semua pun ley je masuk dalam perut tu..

9. What would this person eat every day if he could?
pizza..serious..hantu pizza.

10. What is his favorite cereal?
cornflakes kot..

11. What would he never wear?
underwear..wahahhaa boxers xpe..ahaha

12. What is his favorite sports team?
Semestinya Arsenal!

13. Who did he vote for?
roket kot??ahahaha

14. Who is his best friend?
me!!(i’d like to think so..hehe)

15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do?
pakai baju lundu2..hahaha (he told me himself..padahal xlundu pun..cantik perrrr..=p)

16. What is his heritage?
tak sure la pulok..caca merba.

17. What is his favourite colour?
oren..yang terang2 tu suke le die..

18. What is his habit?

19. What is he proud of?
me?and baby?hihihi

20. Lastly, do you think he will read this?
of course..hari2 bukak blog i..walaupun sameeeee je entrynye 2,3 minggu..haha

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

oh hutang2 yang belum dibayar 1

Questions & Answers

1) Apakah nama blog anda sekarang dan kenapa anda memilih nama itu?
miNdLeSs ThOuGhTs..kenapa?tah rasa cam kool je..haha

2) Apakah link blog anda sekarang dan bagaimana boleh timbul idea untuk menamakannya seperti itu?
idea timbul sebab i loikeeee bedazzled la dienye..nak letak bedazzled je senanye tapi dah ada orang ambil..huh!

3) Apakah 'method' penulisan dalam blog anda?
Cha cha merba..ikut sesedap rasa..kadang2 proper..kadang2 tunggang terbalik..ikut mood.haha

4) Pernah terasa nak hapuskan blog anda?
ade la penah sekali...time tu emotionally unstable..semua pun nk hapus..roaarrrr..=p

5) Apakah pendapat anda mengenai blog kepada pemilik blog yang tag anda ni?
Knits...teman se Uni, se Course dulu..pernah beli cupcakes from die..tangan mmg berseni..cantik banget designnye..(skang ni nape tak buat dah knits oiii..hehe)..dulu masa sebelum cek kawen, die la my sumber reference bab2 kawen ni (mcm2 i belajar from die youu..haha ;)) now dah upgrade jadi consultant..bab2 preggy pulak..haha.All I can say is that she's a nice lady!And it is true..macam mana die kat luar, macam tu la die kat dalam bertih jagung!=D .tak lame lagi dia nak bersalin dah..all the best knits!!yeay!!(tumpang excited =D)

Hmm...nak tag siapa pulak nie...

Wajib: my SIL
Optional: Sesape je la yang rasa nak buat tag ni..

Monday, April 6, 2009

7 days..

It's monday..and genap la seminggu duduk di rumah baru..berdua..

sunyi sepi je rase..

kalau dulu duk kat umah my parents..walaupun selalu pun berdua je kt bawah tu (conquer bilik tv hehe kijam)..tapi ada kelibat abah atau mama kadang-kadang menjenguk (really missed them ..nak pulak tengah preggie nie..wuwuwuwu)..tak pun Kiki and Tom datang meow meoww bising nak makan..huhu (rindu la pulak kat dua ekor tu)

org tgh mekap pun nak ngendeng..haih pak sebok betul haha

sekarang ni..dua orang je..hubbyku lagi la terasa..dia kat rumah dulu ada 2 orang adik..lagi ramai kan..

tapi takpe..bak kata orang this is the time to be on your own two feet, rasa susah hidup sendiri and as for be a housewife..selama ni mama yang buatkan itu ini..hihi i'm still adapting to the new role and responsibility..

and syukur ada seorang hubby yang sangat memahami dan baik hati dan sangat menyayangi..


sebab dia tolong kemas rumah, angkat itu ini, masak lagi..yes he cooks..=)

the menu the other day: Ginger steamed chicken, 'burnt' mashed potato (haha..more like smoked laa) and mix vegetable soup..western abesss. tastyyyy and yummyyy *drool*

and he made breakfast pagi2..because lately ni sangat la penat..fatigue to be exact..symptom2 preggie kot nie..alhamdulillah tak ada morning sickness ke ape ke..walaupun dah masuk 6 weeks (wah cepatnye) kalau tak lagi pening hubbyku itu..hihi

thank you bb for everything that you've done for me..i love you..muaaahhhhh~

by candidsyndicate

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Notice the newly added ticker above?

yes..i am 5 weeks pregnant..Alhamdulillahhh

no words can ever describe the feeling..mixed emotions and feelings came all at once (blame the hormones?hehe)

We went to the clinic yesterday to have it confirmed..after test sendiri at home 3 times haha..(ye la morning sickness takde so macam 'eh ye ke tak ni') and tak nak la over excited kan (xmcm org tu..xsesabo =p)

Then lepas dah confirm baru rasa lega and obviously sangat2 happy!!!=D =D =D

i hope everything will go smoothly...dengan baru pindah rumahnye..kene jadi housewife betul2..xley ngelat2 dah..huhu

And please pray for me and the lil' one yea...

ala tomey tomey tomeyyy =)