Thursday, February 17, 2011
Wordless Thursday..can or not?
Friday, February 11, 2011
Playgroup II
I came across the program masa search on baby development on the internet. Surf2 terjumpa la tempat ni yang organize playgroup dari 0 bulan - 4 tahun. Its a place for babies to learn and have fun with other babies yang sebaya. Kire early education jugak la.For full time working mom like me, masa dengan anak on weekdays memang takde and weekends adalah limited nak ajar itu ini.Plus kalau hantar nursery pun mana ada diorang ajar apa2 kat babies kan..bagi makan, tido, mandi, tukar diapers tu je la..main pun sikit2 je. And kalau mak jaga kat umah tu, yang ada pun adults je kan. Macam Aydan, die sangat suka tgk other kids..excited, senyum2 macam nak main..macam kesian je huhu. So saje je join playgroup ni nak bagi die happy2 sikit.
Tempat ni kat Puchong. Boleh check out the blog/web die.. Genius Baby on Board
Bukan setakat playgroup je, seminar semua ada..We went there last month. Sekali bayar RM35 untuk trial class. Kalau nak enroll pun boleh jugak. Up to u moms. Main language English ye. Each session lasted for about 45 mins-1hr.
Here's a few more pics of the activities:
Masa ni session nyanyi sambil exercise kaki tangan..kasi warm up sket..hehe tgk tu kaki goyang2..and as usual Aydan ni pandang camera..bukan teacher..huhu
Nak bukak kotak then main dengan blocks pulak..
Then main tendang2 bola..mummy la yg penat mengangkat budak mulat ni..
Shake2..Aydan suka sangat dengan benda tu taknak lepas..
Catch the bubbles and Parachute time..
mommies kibar parachute..babies having fun under it..
Dah ngantuk sangat2 ni tapi excited dan happy..hehe
yeayyy mummy+babah pun excited..peluh jugak skali dengan mummy kene exercise
In addition, teacher tunjuk how to teach ur child to read at early age..by using flash cards yang ade tulisan sahaja..why?ahaa sila la join or surf the web/blog to know more..tolong promote hehe
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Having fun at playgroup..
main dengan blocks..to test listening/hearing
not paying attention to the teacher..but to babah..huhu
Best join playgroup ni..just to get your child to mingle with other kids and have fun..takde la nampak muka mak,bapak,atuk, nenek je kan kat umah tu..sumer adults huuhu