Sunday, March 29, 2009
A good friend of mine has lost her father-in-law in a tragic accident while hiking at Bukit Melawati.
it was in the news:
May Allah have mercy on his soul..
p/s- Dear, so sorry to hear about the tragic strong both of you.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
3 is the number

see the ticker?it has been 3 months(nape rasa macam lame ek?huhu) alhamdulillah tak ada scene baling pinggan mangkuk lagi..hahaha kidding
in 3 months the experience of truly being hubby and wife has not yet tested..well at least not to the fullest..coz we're still staying at my parents' house in Bangi..
sometimes mummy dearest so baik hati basuhkan baju bila tengok dah bertimbun dalam laundry basket tu..buatkan breakfast..masak..huhu saaaayangggg mama muaaahhhhhh
and next month, the real challenge shall begin..we're finally going to move out to our own house..apartment to be exact. Part of me do feel excited..but the other part, cam berat hati je nak tinggalkan my parents..especially mummy dearest *tskk tskk*
dan juga sebab kena masak, basuh baju, kemas umah, basuh pinggan mangkuk full time..tak ley ngelat dah..huhu
bb slow2 ok..nanti pressure tak best..haha
Tapi papepun..i hope i can be a good wifey..i'll try my hardest and best to be one..InsyaAllah..
So i come...wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
Monday, March 16, 2009

credits to shahril affandi
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
instead of seeing it in a bad way..
why can't you accept it with an open mind?
i could feel the resentment..
should i be jumping up and down with joy?
the least i can do right now is to fake a smile..
and from this moment on..
i will give myself a huge favor..
i'll say nothing at all
I'm through with this mess